Welcome Back!

When I think back to the week before spring break and look where we are now, all I can say is “Wow!” 
Who would have ever dreamed we would be here. Online school, social distancing, and PPE. Shortages of hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies and toilet paper. This feels like something out of The Twilight Zone. 
I know for my son, who is returning to high school, and my daughter, who is starting her freshman year of college, it's a new normal…at least until it isn't.
I think as a mom it has been a painful time seeing what our kids missed out on. For last year’s seniors, my daughter included, not having a graduation ceremony was tough. Although, the high school did an amazing job, and how about that graduation parade?


I say we should have the parade every year for the graduates, because it was outstanding!

I think the best advice I have for starting back to school is to the get back to the basics with a healthy routine. 
Make your bed every morning, take a shower, set up an area where you can study and listen to your instruction online. Get some exercise and make sure you arrange some time with friends. Routine and structure will help make these times easier and procrastination is the worst kind of torture. So, set some small goals for this school year and get a daily routine down. I think that will be the best recipe for success in such a time as this. We can do this! Welcome back!